Source code for py_trees_ros_tutorials.mock.led_strip

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# License: BSD
# Documentation

Mock a hardware LED strip.

# Imports

import argparse
import functools
import math
import py_trees.console as console
import py_trees_ros
import rclpy
import std_msgs.msg as std_msgs
import sys
import threading
import uuid

# Class

[docs]class LEDStrip(object): """ Emulates command/display of an led strip so that it flashes various colours. Node Name: * **led_strip** Publishers: * **~display** (:class:`std_msgs.msg.String`) * colourised string display of the current led strip state Subscribers: * **~command** (:class:`std_msgs.msg.String`) * send it a colour to express, it will flash this for the next 3 seconds """ _pattern = '*' _pattern_width = 60 # total width of the pattern to be output _pattern_name_spacing = 4 # space between pattern and the name of the pattern def __init__(self): self.node = rclpy.create_node("led_strip") self.command_subscriber = self.node.create_subscription( msg_type=std_msgs.String, topic='~/command', callback=self.command_callback, qos_profile=py_trees_ros.utilities.qos_profile_unlatched() ) self.display_publisher = self.node.create_publisher( msg_type=std_msgs.String, topic="~/display", qos_profile=py_trees_ros.utilities.qos_profile_latched() ) self.duration_sec = 3.0 self.last_text = '' self.last_uuid = None self.lock = threading.Lock() self.flashing_timer = None def _get_display_string(self, width: int, label: str="Foo") -> str: """ Display the current state of the led strip as a formatted string. Args: width: the width of the pattern label: display this in the centre of the pattern rather than the pattern name """ # top and bottom of print repeats the pattern as many times as possible # in the space specified top_bottom = LEDStrip._pattern * int(width / len(LEDStrip._pattern)) # space for two halves of the pattern on either side of the pattern name mid_pattern_space = (width - len(label) - self._pattern_name_spacing * 2) / 2 # pattern for the mid line mid = LEDStrip._pattern * int(mid_pattern_space / len(LEDStrip._pattern)) # total length of the middle line with pattern, spacing and name mid_len = len(mid) * 2 + self._pattern_name_spacing * 2 + len(label) # patterns won't necessarily match up with the width, so need to deal # with extra space. Odd numbers of extra space handled by putting more # spaces on the right side extra_space = width - mid_len extra_left_space = int(math.floor(extra_space / 2.0)) extra_right_space = int(math.ceil(extra_space / 2.0)) # left and right parts of the mid line to go around the name left = mid + ' ' * (self._pattern_name_spacing + extra_left_space) right = ' ' * (self._pattern_name_spacing + extra_right_space) + mid return '\n' + top_bottom + '\n' + left + label.replace('_', ' ') + right + '\n' + top_bottom
[docs] def generate_led_text(self, colour: bool) -> str: """ Generate a formatted string representation of the the current state of the led strip. Args: colour: use shell escape sequences for colour, matching the specified text colour label """ if not colour: return "" else: text = self._get_display_string(self._pattern_width, label=colour) # map colour names in message to console colour escape sequences console_colour_map = { 'grey': console.dim + console.white, 'red':, 'green':, 'yellow': console.yellow, 'blue':, 'purple': console.magenta, 'white': console.white } coloured_text = console_colour_map[colour] + console.blink + text + console.reset return coloured_text
[docs] def command_callback(self, msg: std_msgs.String): """ If the requested state is different from the existing state, update and restart a periodic timer to affect the flashing effect. Args: msg (:class:`std_msgs.msg.String`): incoming command message """ with self.lock: text = self.generate_led_text( # don't bother publishing if nothing changed. if self.last_text != text: self.node.get_logger().info("{}".format(text)) self.last_text = text self.last_uuid = uuid.uuid4() self.display_publisher.publish(std_msgs.String( if self.flashing_timer is not None: self.flashing_timer.cancel() self.node.destroy_timer(self.flashing_timer) # TODO: convert this to a one-shot once rclpy has the capability # Without oneshot, it will keep triggering, but do nothing while # it has the uuid check self.flashing_timer = self.node.create_timer( timer_period_sec=self.duration_sec, callback=functools.partial( self.cancel_flashing, this_uuid=self.last_uuid ) )
[docs] def cancel_flashing(self, this_uuid: uuid.UUID): """ If the notification identified by the given uuid is still relevant (i.e. new command requests haven't come in) then publish an update with an empty display message. Args: this_uuid: the uuid of the notification to cancel """ with self.lock: if self.last_uuid == this_uuid: # We're still relevant, publish and make us irrelevant self.display_publisher.publish(std_msgs.String(data="")) self.last_text = "" self.last_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Cleanup ROS components. """ self.node.destroy_node()
[docs]def main(): """ Entry point for the mock led strip. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Mock an led strip') command_line_args = rclpy.utilities.remove_ros_args(args=sys.argv)[1:] parser.parse_args(command_line_args) rclpy.init(args=sys.argv) led_strip = LEDStrip() try: rclpy.spin(led_strip.node) except (KeyboardInterrupt, rclpy.executors.ExternalShutdownException): pass finally: rclpy.try_shutdown()