ROS related frequently asked questions.

See also

The FAQ from the py_trees package.

Parameter/Remap Proliferation

You can imagine once you have 50+ re-usable behaviours in a tree for move_base, odometry, … that the need for remaps in the behaviour tree launcher will become exceedingly large. In these situations it is more convenient to provide a single point of call for behaviour tree configuration. Load all your remappings into a single namespace on the parameter server and apply them as you instantiate behaviours. A typical tree namespace on the parameter server might look something like:


Update with ROS2 instructions

/tree/topics/odom                 /gopher/odom
/tree/topics/pose                 /gopher/pose
/tree/services/get_global_costmap /move_base/global/get_costmap
/tree/dyn_reconf/max_speed        /trajectory_controller/max_speed

With an example instantiation of a move base client behaviour:

odometry_topic=rospy.get_param("~topics/odom", "/odom")
pose_topic=rospy.get_param("~topics/pose", "/pose")
move_base = some_navi_package.MoveBaseClient(odometry_topic, pose_topic)

Continuous Tick-Tock?

Even though the behaviour tree provides a continuous tick-tock method, you can set your own pace. This can be useful if you wish to vary the tick duration, or to tick only when an external trigger is received (a common trick to minimise cpu usage in games). For example:

while rclpy.ok():
    if some_external_trigger:

Triggering based on logic inside the tree however, is much more challenging as this is something akin to a chicken and egg situation (tick only when an event trigger inside the tree fires, but how to know when that trigger fires without ticking?). Various implementations such as the Unreal implementation have crafted mechanisms for this which go beyond behaviour tree concepts - if you have such a need, it’s likely you’ll have to craft it on top of py_trees specifically to meet the needs of your own use case.

Control-Level Decision Making

Our first use case never intended the behaviour trees for use by control level applications. So it was surprising when the control engineers moved their state machines from for handling, e.g. docking, elevator entry, navigation recovery to the trees. Note that none of these require low-latency reactivity.

In hindsight, this makes good sense. Prior to the behaviour trees there was a different state machine implementation in each controller - having just one decision making engine with shared code and design patterns is more efficient. It also frees them of the need to bring dependencies to other subsystems that need to work in concert with their control algorithm (e.g. the LED or sound notification subsystems). Such co-ordination is most easily managed at the tree level.