Source code for py_trees_ros_tutorials.mock.launch

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# License: BSD
# Documentation

Launch the mock robot.
# Imports

import typing

import launch
import launch_ros.actions

# Helpers

[docs]def generate_launch_nodes() -> typing.List[launch_ros.actions.Node]: """ Generate an action node for launch. Returns: a list of the mock robot ros nodes as actions for launch """ launch_nodes = [] for node_name in ['battery', 'dashboard', 'docking_controller', 'led_strip', 'move_base', 'rotation_controller', 'safety_sensors']: executable = "mock-{}".format(node_name.replace('_', '-')) launch_nodes.append( launch_ros.actions.Node( package='py_trees_ros_tutorials', name=node_name, executable=executable, output='screen', emulate_tty=True ) ) launch_nodes.append( launch.actions.LogInfo(msg=["Bob the robot, at your service. Need a colander?"]) ) return launch_nodes
[docs]def generate_launch_description() -> launch.LaunchDescription: """ Launch the mock robot (i.e. launch all mocked components). Returns: the launch description """ return launch.LaunchDescription(generate_launch_nodes())